School Staff
Leadership Team
- Headteacher: Ms Jenny Martin
- Deputy Headteacher: Mr Will Gadsby
- Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Georgina Bramley
- Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Joanne Start
Class Teachers
- Reception: Ash: Miss S Smith
- Reception: Alder: Miss H Grace
- Year 1: Beech: Mrs A Moore
- Year 1: Birch: Mrs A Bailey
- Year 2: Cedar: Mr R Niesyto
- Year 2: Cherry: Mrs A Rhodes
- Year 3: Hazel: Mr M Glanney
- Year 3 Holly: Mrs C Vasku
- Year 4: Pear: Mrs R McMahon
- Year 4: Pine: Mr J Sloan
- Year 5: Spruce: Mrs G Soffe
- Year 5: Sycamore: Mr T White
- Year 6: Walnut: Mrs L Glover and Mrs E Henley
- Year 6: Whitebeam: Miss Reilly-Wheeler
- Nuture Group: Willow: Miss E Millington
Curriculum Leadership: 2024-2025
- Ms J Martin: Child Protection (DSL), Healthy and Safety and Assessment
- Mr W Gadsby: Child Protection (DDSL), Health and Safety, Evolve (School Visits) Leader and Teaching and Learning Leader
- Mrs G Bramley: Child Protection (DDSL), SENDCo and Early Years Lead
- Mr M Glanney: Child Protection (DDSL)
- Mrs V Tarling: Acting Early Years Lead, Early Years SENDCo and Child Protection (DDSL)
- Phase Leader for Year 1 and 2: Mrs J Start
- Phase Leader for Year 3 and 4: Mr M Glanney
- Phase Leader for Year 5 and 6: Mrs L Glover
- Early Careers Mentor: Mrs J Start
- Pupil Premium Lead: Mrs J Start
- Global Neighbours: Miss H Grace
- SENDCo: Mrs G Bramley and Mrs V Tarling
- Literacy Team: Mrs A Bailey, Mrs G Soffe and Mr T White
- Maths Team: Miss S Smith, Mrs A Rhodes and Mrs J Start
- STEM Team: Mrs L Glover and Mrs A Moore (Science, DT and Computing)
- Social and Cultural Team: Mr M Glanney, Miss K Reilly-Wheeler and Mrs C Vasku (PSHCE, RE and Foreign Languages)
- Humanities Team: Miss H Grace and Mr R McMahon
- Performing Arts Team: Mr R Niesyto and Mr J Sloan (Music, Art and PE)
- Oracy Leads: Mrs G Soffe and Mr R Niesyto
Higher Level Teaching Assistants
- Mrs N Bailey
- Mrs L Kent
- Miss E Lewis
- Mr J McDonald
Learning Support Assistants
- Nursery Team: Miss R Keeler, Miss K Croft-Mead, Miss N Strong and Mrs J Welland
- Early Years: Miss E Clarke, Miss H Huggins, , Miss A Tonder and Mrs Watt.
- Key Stage 1 Team: Mrs L Cain, Miss S Clegg, Miss Z Donaldson, Mrs J Davey, Miss C Field, Mrs L Ince, Miss E-J New, Mrs S McNulty and Mrs K Sunderland.
- Key Stage 2 Team: Mrs H Brooks, Mrs J Davey, Mrs L Farmer, Mrs V Gehnich, Mrs S Lovett-Kelly, Miss L Malocaj, Mrs L Mills, Miss E-J New, Mrs N Majek and Mrs H Tollyfield.
- Nurture Group: Miss T Brooks and Mrs H Wint.
Specialist Intervention - Learning Support Assistants
- ELSA: Miss T Brooks, Mrs N Majek and Mrs H Wint
- SaLT: Mrs H Brooks, Mrs L Cain and Mrs L Kent
- OT: Mrs S Kelly
Office Staff
- Mrs S Orlandi: School Business Manager
- Mrs D Lancey: Personnel Administrator
- Mrs J Beesley: Family Liaison & Attendance Administrator
- Miss N Page: Office Administration Assistant
Lunchtime Supervisors and Play Leaders
- Mrs B Belardo - Senior Lunchtime Supervisor
- Miss R Ahmed
- Miss E Clarke
- Mrs J Davey
- Miss C Field
- Miss Huggins
- Mrs L Ince
- Mrs N Majek
- Miss L Malocaj
- Mrs S McNulty
- Mrs V Metcalf Bell
- Mrs L Mills
- Miss E-J New
- Miss S Randall
- Mrs K Sunderland
- Mrs A Symes
- Miss A Tonder
- Mrs C Watt
- Leader: Mrs S Cooper
- Play Assistants: Mrs B Belardo, Mrs F Brooks, Miss T Brooks, Mrs D Gillett and Mrs L Jeffs.
- Casual Play Assistants: Miss Z Donaldson, Mrs A Guess and Mrs S Kelly
Premises Staff
- Site Manager: Mr B Orlandi