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Safeguarding at Bierton CE Combined School

Our Designated Senior Leads are:

  • Ms. J. Martin - Headteacher
  • Mr. W. Gadbsy - Deputy Headteacher
  • Mrs. G. Bramley - Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo
  • Mr M. Glanney - Key Stage 1 Lead
  • Mrs V. Tarling - Acting Early Years Lead
  • Mrs J.Beasley
  • Mrs. S. Cooper - BOSC Leader

Please find a copy of our Child Protection Policy and the Department for Education's Keeping children safe in education (Part 1) documentation below. 

Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy

Keeping children safe in education

Please find a copy of the Department for Education's Keeping children safe in education (Part 1) documentation below. 
