PE and Sports Premium
Vision Statement
‘To aim high, achieve success in PE through engaging in competitive activities, leading a healthy lifestyle and developing a determination to find your sparkle and shine in a broad range of PE and Sport.’
At Bierton, we place great importance of the right of every child to be healthy and active. We believe that every child has the right to play, join in and enjoy a wide range of sports. Every child has at least two hours per week, which is dedicated to physical activity in the curriculum. Since 2016, we have introduced a daily ‘run a mile’, which was initially for our Year 5 and 6 cohort and then extended to Year 3 and 4 the following year. Every child in KS2 participates by running a mile each day. The aim is to support one another whilst completing and challenging themselves to fulfil their own personal targets.
Our vision for PE and Sport is to motivate, excite and stimulate pupils to encourage them to be healthy and active. We believe that physical education and sport contributes to the holistic development of young people and by participating in these activities, they learn more about the key ideals that we hold at Bierton, such as teamwork and cooperation. Our values of respect, resilience, resourcefulness, learning to remember and readiness continually shine through during PE. There is significant evidence which highlights the benefits of sports and exercise on children’s physical and mental growth. Furthermore, it allows them to learn the value of participating, competing, as well as taking pride in successes and accepting the outcomes. Thus Physical education is a real opportunity for both teachers and children to consolidate and work on the Christian values that underpin every aspect of school life.
Nature of Support
High Quality Physical Education: Raising standards of all our children in Physical education
- Regular specialist support from qualified PE teachers or qualified sports coaches working with primary teachers to achieve high quality teaching and learning in lessons.
- CPD opportunities for teachers in national and bespoke programmes in PE & Sport.
- Professional quality assured teaching modules & materials for PE & Sport
- Development of student leadership programmes
- Affiliation to National and Local PE organisations
- Lesson observations, benchmarking and coaching support through PE Consultants
Competitive School Sport: Increasing pupils’ participation in extra- curricular sport
- Inclusive competitive opportunities
- Support with intra and inter-school competition co-ordination and delivery
- Organised competitions at local/county level
Healthy Active Lifestyles: Ensuring all our children have access to regular exercise
- School-based health programmes and intervention strategies.
- Change 4 Life club opportunities for ‘inactive’ young people.
- Playground Games Makers and Mini-Leaders training.
Self- Review & Quality Assurance: Measuring the impact of the funding
- Monitoring of pupil progress through assessment in lessons.
- Quality Assurance Mark – online tool for development and self -assessment.