It is the aim of this school to provide every child with the best education possible. Our objective in setting out the school's Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy is to make everyone aware that we want all pupils to benefit as fully as possible from the education provided within the school.
We cater for pupils who experience difficulties in:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health
- Sensory and/or physical and medical conditions
The school has full provision for pupils who are disabled.
Please refer to our SEND Policy for further information.
Furthermore information, which is included within our SEND Policy and Annual Report, can be found below.
If you require further information, please contact our school or early years SENDCo.
School SENDCo: Mrs G Bramley -
Early Years SENDCo: Mrs V Tarling -
SEND Coffee Mornings and Afternoons for Parents and Carers
Thank you for all those parents who have joined us for our successful coffee and catch-up sessions. We had some very positive feedback from the sessions. Parents have found it useful to discuss strategies that they use at home, learn about the structure of SEND procedures at Bierton CE Combined School and look at a range of resources to support learning at home. They also enjoyed the opportunity to network with other parents.
Please click on the image below to find some advice shared during our most recent event.